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Flat Fee MLS Listing All of Florida & Alabama

Save thousands on Commissions

List directly with the Broker. No referral company in between.

List on the MLS Learn More
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Are You Listed on the Top Listing Sites?

List in Alabama and Florida

List with the Max allowable number of photos the MLS allows.

List on the MLS Learn More
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We’re Your Listing Brokerage in Florida & Alabama

No referral company in between.

We do not refer listings out: It is You, & the MLS

List Your Home Today

Benefits of a Listing

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We are your Listing Brokerage

We are not a referral company.

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Listed directly from the MLS.

Your listing on, Zillow, and more

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List For Sale & For Rent.

Residential and Commercial

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List Commercial Properties.

Available in most MLS’s.

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Save on Listing Commission.

Save the traditional 2-3% listing commission.

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No Limits on Photos.

Option to use max number of photos the MLS allows.