
30 Days before You Move

The Move

  • At this time, you already have the quotes and hired a mover. Confirm all the details with the mover and make sure that everything is correct. If you are not using a mover, then check that you have supplies and make proper arrangements.
  • Set up arrangements to connect the new home and disconnect the old home's cable, internet, and any other services that you currently use. The sooner the better for this.
  • Once you buy a house in Orlando, FL or elsewhere, begin planning where you want your belongings to go in the new house.
  • Retrieve your inventory list to double check that everything made it to the house.
  • If you are purchasing decorations, buy them and arrange that they arrive at your home when your belongings do.
  • Start packing up items that you will not need before the move such as holiday decorations.
  • Have a place for your children and pets to be on the day of the move so they are not in the way.
  • Create a packing plan! Everyone can be assigned a task to help the move go by smoothly.
  • Create an unpacking plan! Decide where furniture is going and who is doing what.


  • Obtain the change of address form by going online to the postal service site, calling, or visiting the local post office.
  • Give a change of address to everyone. Banks, Schools, Family, Friends, Doctors, Insurance company, Credit Card, Cell Phone Company, etc
  • Research the banks in the new town if your bank does not have a branch nearby.
  • Investigate the requirements for a new driver's license and complete the auto registration at your new motor vehicle location.
  • For international moves, make sure the passport is current and has not expired. These generally take at least three weeks to process.
  • Let any service providers (e.g. landscapers or maids) know you are moving and research who is available in your new town.

Family & Pets

  • Try to get any doctor visits out of the way before you move. It may take a while to find one in your new area.
  • Have your children make an address book of their friends.


  • After you buy a house you love, make sure the family vehicles are ready for the trip. Gather proper road maps, get any maintenance done, and be sure to have the oil changed.